in next saturday i will go bi sai.i very skt i hope i will pass this bi sai'' dancing
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 lo no lo this time my exm very bad o''some people say i'm not cina people.because my cina kertes think 9 only'' drum no araedy lo''haiz...i hope in 7-3 this day can win my silf...i don't want be a stupid people.i want give my family see i not a stupid.i know some of you don't know what i say.i know me say what jiu ke yi le''
Monday, June 21, 2010
see my hair got grow colour haha''
on sunday me and family go 1u...this is me and sister''got a little bet like a bee
Friday, June 18, 2010
today my dog crazy came and play with me,use her teeth''her bit my bilo...i not happy because school holiday got to go''student want go back school.want exm want stady.haiz...i don't like stady but of my dream i must dream is be a (......) but i don't how to stady.who can help me? i very angry my slf because some time i layzy don't want stady so i angry lo''my family don't know my dream is want to be a (......).i not dare to say,because they will laf me like that^^hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.i don't like lo''i very angry people laf me want i don't like.i put like this because i don't want lat my sister know because she will came and see blog.if u want to know ask me la''sms me.if u are my tuition friend u can ask me in tuition''i put(......) is my dream...^^''
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
it’s a Boston Terrier puppy named, “Boss.’ Taeyang’s brought his new love on location for the photo shoot of casual brand Nii. The other members of Big Bang even wrote a note to Taeyang that they are feeling a bit neglected. And rightly they should…with all the kisses that he’s giving to his puppy, the boy only has eyes for his “Boss”
This is my birthday party with my family haha you see my nose got crum^^
and got pizza
i eating stbry...
and this is my sister....and my daddy^^
sorry a''this take this photo got a little porbum
and today my dog also birthday with me birthday togater....and in my beside is my biao di...
i like stbry^^
this is my birthday cake''HAHA very buathfull o....
today we go midvalley and this all is my photos we go seven poeple go one is jek shen i did take photo with him so no he photo la go two boy and four girl go''two boy go play snooker and we four girls go shopping HAHA...i very happy.i got buy this o''today very very happy.and in facebook many people say happy birthday to me i very happy.tq you all just very very TQ you all today i very very very happy...tq my friend go shopping with me,very tq my friend say hppy bthd to me.........
at the back is me''haha leng lui ma she and i? cute o''
and we go play snooker is wei seng but i did play la''my friend, siew mun and milo pink
HAHA...this song hao ting ma? BIGBANG's(tae yong) new song. got two new song one is(look at me&baby,i'm sorry) hen hao ting o'' i like it.your all ye ting ting ba>.<''haha but one song (reset) this song i copy in one my friend's blog.Sorry a''i ting dao hen hao ting so i put in my blog lo'' but put it in no:3 HAHA sorry