Friday, January 13, 2012

1. YG Entertainment’s Stylist Reveals Secret to Big Bang’s Fashion [NEWS]
It’s been reported that YG Entertainment’s stylist, Ji Eun, gave a special lecture at the Seoul Art Technical College. During the guest lecture, Ji Eun stated, “For idol groups, it’s important to respect each member's preference and express their distinct characteristics.” 
She added, “For example, Big Bang’s TOP doesn’t like revealing clothes, so we avoid them entirely.” 

Regarding Daesung, she revealed, “We try to find the right outfits and styles that accentuate Daesung’s biceps.” 

When styling YG’s artists for a concert, she takes into consideration the overall flow of the concert, when each song will be performed, when each artist make his/her appearance, etc. She emphasized that the stylists try to contrast the artists’ concepts from the beginning and the end of the show. 

Ji Eun has been in charge of styling Jinusean, 1TYM, Gummy, Big Bang, and other YG artists since the beginning of YG Entertainment. 

2.Unseen Promotional Photo from "Want You" Tour [PHOTO]

3.Big Show 2012 Support [PROJECT]
Hi everyone! As you all know, the dates for BIG SHOW 2012 were announced already and this year, we've decided to do some projects to show our support for BIGBANG! Here's an outline of what we'll be doing:

 If you've noticed, every time there's a K-pop concert, an article about fans donating rice to charity always pops up. This time, we've decided to do the same to show BIGBANG how big the international VIP community has become and more importantly, to help those in need. We're targeting to purchase 500kg of rice, which costs $1200$1295 (edited exact price).

The 500kg rice donation (in yellow box in the photo below) comes with a big banner and once we've gathered the funds, we will put up a poll to vote on slogan we'll use:

 This isn't a priority but if we get extra money from the donations, we're planning to sponsor dessert or lunch example or buy a customized cake. From what we've gathered from KVIPs, a set lunch for BIGBANG & Staff will cost around $400 and the customized cake, around $200. 

Our top priority is the rice donation but if you want to donate for this part, just send us a note.

 You can participate in this project starting now by donating via:

1) Paypal Button: Just click the button below.

2) Paypal Address: Send payment to

3) For those in Philippines, you can deposit your donation via BPI: Please email to get the account details.

4) Western Union: Please email for the info you need. 

5) For those who prefer bank transfer: Please email to get the account details. Please note though that you may incur extra fees as compared the other options above. 

  List of donors are posted here and will be updated regularly.

Big Bang Updates has grown so much over the past 2 years and we want to introduce the site to BIGBANG via a scrapbook/message book. This scrapbook will show the site's most commented posts, most popular member, most memorable comments, etc.

 Details for the scrapbook are posted and will be updated here.


Progress of the projects will be posted here. You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook if you want to monitor the updates on the projects. If you have questions and suggestions, you can leave a comment below or email


For those asking help on how to purchase Big Show tickets, we'll try to do a separate post for it. We would want to do more and help like purchasing tickets in bulk but since we don't usually do projects like this, it will be a bit difficult on our part. What we can do for now is set up a "ticket" thread on the forum where people can trade/sell/exchange their extra tickets :-)

That's all for now! Thanks for reading and please help us spread the word :-)

▶ Chinese translation (Thanks Rice!)

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